WELCOME BACK!!! Please see startup information below. Week 1------>https://5il.co/2ta26 Carline 101------>https://5il.co/2ta2i Week 1 and carline video---------> https://youtu.be/uVsLAQb3aEg
5 months ago, Keshia Douglas
The second window for ordering school approved RJHS T-shirt's has opened. All sales are final - be sure you are ordering the correct size. The t-shirt window for ordering is from August 5th through August 23rd. The goal is to have these orders available at RJHS Open House on Tuesday, September 10th. https://2024schoolapparel2.itemorder.com/ (The third and final window for ordering will be Sept 9th to Sept 27th)
5 months ago, Holly Payton
2024-2025 PTO drifit -shirt design------>https://www.lockerroomruston.com/rjhs orders due by TODAY to have for the first day of school. This design can be worn daily.
5 months ago, Keshia Douglas
2024-2025 PTO drifit t-shirt design------>https://www.lockerroomruston.com/rjhs orders due by 7/30 to have for the first day of school.
6 months ago, Keshia Douglas
2024-2025 PTO
Bearkits, if you have not voted for our 24-25 RJHS theme please make sure you do so by tomorrow! Our theme will be used to design our PTO sponsored dri-fit short sleeve shirt that can be worn daily . Order details will be sent out in July:) kd -----> https://forms.gle/Qw2i7vBSWGnUC53L8
7 months ago, Keshia Douglas
2024-2025 SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST------->https://5il.co/2oejw
7 months ago, Keshia Douglas
It's that time! This is RJHS, to order 2024-2025 official RJHS School T-Shirt's and Sweatshirts follow this link https://2024rjhsschoolapparel.itemorder.com/shop/home/ These orders will be available for pick up at RJHS PREP DAY on Tuesday, August 6th from 3 pm to 6 pm
7 months ago, Holly Payton
2024-2025 RJHS Athletic PE Requirements
7 months ago, Holly Payton
Summer Workouts
RJHS Athletics Summer Workout Calendar 2024 Requirements
7 months ago, Holly Payton
RJHS Athletic Summer Workout Calendar 2024
Week 4.3------->https://5il.co/2ii45
9 months ago, Keshia Douglas
5 MORE DAYS!!!!! We got this :) -------> https://5il.co/2gpxs
9 months ago, Keshia Douglas
10 more days until Spring Break!!! Have a great week 3.8----->https://5il.co/2gbbr Don't forget the 9 weeks ends next FRIDAY. Get all "00" makeup work taken care of ASAP!
10 months ago, Keshia Douglas
Let's have a great Week 3.3------>https://5il.co/2e6cr :) kd
11 months ago, Keshia Douglas
I hope your Thanksgiving Break was great! We will return to school tomorrow :) Have a great week! kd----->https://5il.co/29jp5
about 1 year ago, Keshia Douglas
Week 2.3 Have a great Thanksgiving :) kd ------> https://5il.co/28tqj
about 1 year ago, Keshia Douglas
Have a great week 2.2-------> https://5il.co/28ehx * reminder Tuesday, November 7th is a virtual day for students.
about 1 year ago, Keshia Douglas
INNOVATIVE TESTING TOMORROW! Students please make sure to charge your CBs tonight. Report cards will be issued Thursday.---------->https://5il.co/27ynm :)kd
about 1 year ago, Keshia Douglas
This Friday marks the end of the first 9 weeks! Please be sure to turn in all missing work. Keep working hard to meet those ZEARN Goals :) Have a great week 1.9!-------> https://5il.co/27jjk
about 1 year ago, Keshia Douglas
Parents, please take time to complete the RJHS SCHOOL BUS LOCATOR ----->https://lpgis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=ee6166953fc2488cbb27684bc5693f21 . Bus stops have been created and you will need to complete this form in order to know where your bus stop is located. kd
over 1 year ago, Keshia Douglas