WELCOME BACK!!! Please see startup information below.
Week 1------>https://5il.co/2ta26
Carline 101------>https://5il.co/2ta2i
Week 1 and carline video---------> https://youtu.be/uVsLAQb3aEg
The second window for ordering school approved RJHS T-shirt's has opened. All sales are final - be sure you are ordering the correct size. The t-shirt window for ordering is from August 5th through August 23rd. The goal is to have these orders available at RJHS Open House on Tuesday, September 10th.
(The third and final window for ordering will be Sept 9th to Sept 27th)
2024-2025 PTO drifit -shirt design------>https://www.lockerroomruston.com/rjhs orders due by TODAY to have for the first day of school. This design can be worn daily.
2024-2025 PTO drifit t-shirt design------>https://www.lockerroomruston.com/rjhs orders due by 7/30 to have for the first day of school.
Bearkits, if you have not voted for our 24-25 RJHS theme please make sure you do so by tomorrow! Our theme will be used to design our PTO sponsored dri-fit short sleeve shirt that can be worn daily . Order details will be sent out in July:) kd
-----> https://forms.gle/Qw2i7vBSWGnUC53L8
2024-2025 SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST------->https://5il.co/2oejw
It's that time! This is RJHS, to order 2024-2025 official RJHS School T-Shirt's and Sweatshirts follow this link https://2024rjhsschoolapparel.itemorder.com/shop/home/
These orders will be available for pick up at RJHS PREP DAY on Tuesday, August 6th from 3 pm to 6 pm
2024-2025 RJHS Athletic PE Requirements
RJHS Athletics Summer Workout Calendar 2024 Requirements
Week 4.3------->https://5il.co/2ii45
5 MORE DAYS!!!!! We got this :) -------> https://5il.co/2gpxs
10 more days until Spring Break!!! Have a great week 3.8----->https://5il.co/2gbbr
Don't forget the 9 weeks ends next FRIDAY. Get all "00" makeup work taken care of ASAP!
Let's have a great Week 3.3------>https://5il.co/2e6cr :) kd
I hope your Thanksgiving Break was great! We will return to school tomorrow :) Have a great week! kd----->https://5il.co/29jp5
Week 2.3 Have a great Thanksgiving :) kd ------> https://5il.co/28tqj
Have a great week 2.2-------> https://5il.co/28ehx * reminder Tuesday, November 7th is a virtual day for students.
INNOVATIVE TESTING TOMORROW! Students please make sure to charge your CBs tonight. Report cards will be issued Thursday.---------->https://5il.co/27ynm :)kd
This Friday marks the end of the first 9 weeks! Please be sure to turn in all missing work. Keep working hard to meet those ZEARN Goals :) Have a great week 1.9!-------> https://5il.co/27jjk
Parents, please take time to complete the RJHS SCHOOL BUS LOCATOR ----->https://lpgis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=ee6166953fc2488cbb27684bc5693f21 . Bus stops have been created and you will need to complete this form in order to know where your bus stop is located. kd